5 Tips for Reducing Workplace Injuries

construction worker experiencing workplace injuries

Workplace injuries that cause employees to miss work days are unfortunately extremely common, averaging 4,600,000 cases a year. The three most common causes of work-related injuries are overexertion, an injury from contact with objects and equipment, and falls or slips. Implement programs to help prevent injuries and enhance your company’s safety level with the tips below.

1. Follow Correct Posture

Overexertion accounts for more than 31% of common workplace injuries. This incident often happens when workers are bending or stooping incorrectly to lift or put things down. Employees should keep their backs straight and lift with their legs. This doesn’t just apply to the heavy lifters, either — poor posture can cause back pain and damage even with office workers who spend most of their time at their desks.

2. Keep a Clean Workspace

More than 27% of work-related injury events are caused by slips, trips, and falls. Remove clutter, clean up spills immediately, and keep your workspace as organized as possible to decrease the likelihood of workers falling over objects. This rule is especially crucial for emergency exits, which should always be kept totally clear.

3. Be Mindful of Surroundings

The more familiar employees are with the workplace, the less likely they are to trip over objects or hurt themselves on the potential hazards. Remind your employees to stay aware of their surroundings and always look where they’re walking to avoid workplace injuries.

4. Institute Regular Breaks

Tired workers make mistakes. If your employees are overworked, they won’t be able to stay as sharp to the potential dangers around them. Make sure your employees are assigned regular breaks, and that they take the amount of time they need to stay fresh. Assign the most difficult tasks to employees early in their shifts when they are at their most alert.

5. Wear Personal Protective Equipment

Wearing the right personal protective equipment (PPE) is one of the most effective ways to reduce workplace injuries. PPE can be broken down into a few different categories:


According to the Department of Labor, over 15,000 of the injuries that occurred in the manufacturing industry throughout 2019 involved lacerations, cuts, or punctures. Work gloves and disposable gloves are valuable for keeping your workers safe from these injuries, as well as infection. Work gloves are thick and durable, designed for employees who are handling heavy materials or need a strong grip. Disposable gloves keep a clean environment and protect workers from coming into contact with potentially harmful materials. They’re typically used in the medical, food service, and manufacturing industries.

Protective Clothing

From work coveralls and disposable lab coats to durable workwear, protective clothing can be adapted to a range of industries to keep workers safe and prevent a variety of workplace injuries. There are many styles to choose from within each department of protective clothing, so consider which would be most suitable for your workplace.  For example, some coveralls are designed to be chemical or flame-resistant to protect against different hazards, while vests are available in high visibility and/or cooling styles to beat hot summer days.

Protective Accessories

Accessories can add an extra layer of protection against work-related injuries. For example, studies have shown that, of the individuals who sustained head injuries while on the job, 84% of them were not wearing a hard hat. This is why some accessories, like hard hats, safety glasses, and industrial hearing protection are required in certain workplaces. Others might not be mandatory but are helpful in keeping workers safe and comfortable. These include heating or cooling apparel, protective arm sleeves, ear warmers, and more. Check out our selection of work accessories to see what you can incorporate into your workplace to improve worker safety.

Enhance Workplace Safety With PalmFlex Personal Protective Equipment

Incorporate the tips above to help minimize the risk of workplace injuries on your job site. If you’re interested in adding high-quality new personal protective equipment to your workplace safety practices, explore our selection and place your order online. Volume discounts are available along with custom bulk quotes. All orders over $80 also receive free shipping anywhere in the continental U.S.